o tannenbaum

today we went off in search of a christmas tree. this was a bit of a surprise to us but putting up a tree is much less common in nz than in the states. and many of those who do…
today we went off in search of a christmas tree. this was a bit of a surprise to us but putting up a tree is much less common in nz than in the states. and many of those who do…
quite uneventful trip from saint louis to wellington – although there was one moment when i thought i was in for a treat. i always ask for an aisle seat but there were none available so i was assigned a…
after an informal second call on tuesday company e2 came through with a solid offer today. record time (13 days) compared to some of the others still grinding along. i’m leaning more and more towards this opportunity. the folks i…
with 3 potential job opportunities cooking along the jboss and i decided it was time to book a trip to nz. in addition to final interviews i can get a sense of the companies, the offices, the locate and i…
lots of time on the phone this week with potential nz employers. after several misses i was able to connect with the other company h principal. that went well so i would expect that to go to offer. having one…
spent the day today in nyc talking with the ceo of the auckland based start-up that i spoke with last week – company h. more on that but first a minute on my experience taking the train compared to the…
after several emails with company e we had settled on an itinerary and booked the flights. the cto’s pa (personal assistant) was very helpful and sent along quite a bit of information on the hamilton area. that was 7:38 pm…
decided to schedule another trip to nz in late june and have this one be focused on company e and the hamilton area. wimpy perhaps.
it would be so much easier if i had the flexible moralistic perspective that so many others seem to be comfortable with. there are several other nz firms that have said that they would like to met with me the…
company e called tonight and a bit out of the blue decided they would like me to come to nz for an interview. woo hoo! this is good on several fronts. good that company e is interested enough to make…