Tag Timeline

bigger and better

(better = works) day 1. boston ma. 83°F at about 10 am with much ceremony dad and i climb up into the giant 22′ truck to begin our journey. antony at the wheel. engine rumbling. shift into gear. step on…

august 20th

company e2 came back to me today and generously offered august 20th as a start date. this is great news. both that it is late enough that we should be able to get everything done without crushing stress and it…

it’s good to be wanted

i spoke with the hiring manager from company e2 again last night and gave my verbal acceptance conditional on meeting the team in wellington next week and agreement on a start date. they’re eager to get me signed up but…

36 hours

we got our first offer on the house (framingham) today. after less than 36 hours on the market. it is a very good offer and i have no regrets that perhaps we priced the house too low. sometimes good is…

first chance to step out of the breadline

after an informal second call on tuesday company e2 came through with a solid offer today. record time (13 days) compared to some of the others still grinding along. i’m leaning more and more towards this opportunity. the folks i…

let’s try this again

with 3 potential job opportunities cooking along the jboss and i decided it was time to book a trip to nz. in addition to final interviews i can get a sense of the companies, the offices, the locate and i…

done done done

got a birthday present from nzis today. a nice package of materials including our full approval letter and our passports with our residence visas attached. 325 days after we decided to make the jump and started working on our expression…

a change in plans

after several emails with company e we had settled on an itinerary and booked the flights. the cto’s pa (personal assistant) was very helpful and sent along quite a bit of information on the hamilton area. that was 7:38 pm…

clean and simple

decided to schedule another trip to nz in late june and have this one be focused on company e and the hamilton area. wimpy perhaps.

messy ethics

it would be so much easier if i had the flexible moralistic perspective that so many others seem to be comfortable with. there are several other nz firms that have said that they would like to met with me the…