after an almost 3 month wait my scooter finally arrived.
this should make getting around the city a whole lot easier.

just kidding. that’s jackie’s scooter. my scooter is below.
49cc’s of italian charm.
portofino green with carmel saddle leather.
i’ve been scootering into the city most days, dropping my commute down to 12 fun minutes. plus i get to use the bus lanes and scooter parking in the city is free.
i filled up after my first 100 kms. 4.1 litres (a bit more than a gallon), or almost 60 mpg.
2 weekends ago the weather was great so the jboss and me spent a day out on the scooter. breakfast at “the bach” along the beach, then into the city for the afternoon, and finally around the peninsula.
i love my new scooter but i think the jboss went a bit too far to show her loyalty.