i checked the nzis site for the bazillionth time this morning and whadya know – our eoi was officially approved (“decision successful”) and we can now expect and ita (invitation to apply) in a few days.
amazing timing since i woke up early wondering if should go ahead with the extra blood tests and xrays during my physical later today.
time to celebrate tonight.
don pardo – please update the schedule…
start: 14-JUL-06, day 1
EOI submitted: 31-JUL-06, day 17
EOI selected: 02-AUG-06, day 19
EOI approved 01-NOV-06, day 109
ITA received:
ITA submitted:
PR granted:
something that made this milestone even more special is how much we needed some really good news. on saturday our dog cosmo had his final vet visit. like so many others with their dogs we were very close to cosmo. he was a big part of our family. for most of the last 11+ years he has gone to work with me where he has made many more friends than i could ever dream of. most encounters with anyone at work would start with cosmo being greeted with something like “cosmo, cosmo”, followed by playtime and only if i’m lucky, “oh, hi antony.” it is going to take quite a while for us to get used to not having him with us.